Friday, October 30, 2009


I freaking LOVE zombies.

In my opinion, there is nothing more terrifying than the thought of a zombie apocalypse.

Think about it... Swarms of walking dead, who know nothing, but walking slowly, and the unquenchable thirst for human brains. No one is safe. Anywhere. Your dead grandfather could eat you for lunch, and there isn't a damn thing you could do about it.

That being said, I just finished showing my girlfriends 4 year old daughter, George Ramero's zombie classics, Night of the Living Dead, and Dawn of the Dead. (Not before I made sure to show her a few zombie survival videos of course.)

She instantly loved them! Shes been running around yelling “BRAINS!!!” at every opportunity...

I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not....

Here is a completely unrelated picture.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

3 more months man....

damn thats trippy...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

What to say?

I have never really kept a journal or blog of any kind before. In all honesty, I always thought it was kind of stupid. Yet oddly enough, I can count 3 or 4 that I have been an avid follower of for years. I'm not sure what made me change my mind. Seeing as how everything in my life has been changing quite dramatically latley, perhaps its just once again time for something new. Oh well, whatever. Here we are! I guess I should go ahead and tell you a little about me....

But only a little! It is actually a rather long story, and I'm starting to get a case of the ADD while sitting here in front of the computer screen...

I grew up in southern Ontario. Sucks there. A few years ago, I ditched everything, packed up my stuff, and my girlfriend in a van, and we took off across the country. Drove all the way out to Vancouver island. Probably one of the most beautiful places in Canada, if not the world. I set out for a change in my life. For something new, and different. And holy crap, did I ever get it. Every aspect of my life has changed, hell, I'm not even with the girl I ran over here with anymore... (how ever the one I am currently seeing found herself to be mighty pregnant a few short months ago...)

And I guess this is the space I'm going to be sharing it all in. So hello!

And enjoy



I'm Working on it, I swear. Stay with me now, here we go!